Monday, August 16, 2004


Bush has joined the terrorists

Bush turned 58 on Tuesday a couple of weeks ago, and it is a day that may join September 11th as another day of celebration for future al qaeda terrorists.

What does one call a situation where separate factors come together and creates something more destructive that anyone could have imagined? In physics, an atomic bomb seems  to fit that description. In international politics, one may define it as the  "Neo-Bush-Bin Laden effect."

This effect was defined, when terrorists killed over 3,000 people in September 2001, which was combined with a neo-conservative cabinet that was salivating to create a mid-east country per their ideology, with a president who believes his god selected him as the new Moses of the world.

These separate factors came together in 2001 and terrorist recruiters for radical Muslim groups could not have received a better present. Everything was laid out there for them on a silver platter.  It was like America had won the trifecta from hell.   

Many naysayers to the war said, an unwarranted attack on Iraq would create a 100 Bin Ladens. They did not say anything about the exponential growth of hatred towards the United States by many sects in many countries all over the world.

It is not hard to imagine how someone within this bumper crop of America-haters will eventually acquire a weapon that will make the attack on the twin towers look like a "fender bender."

This year, any kind of terrorist attack on the United States will work for Bush. It does not have to be a catastrophic event to be a real boon for the Bush/Cheney campaign. Any kind of terrorism will do.

Terrorism has been good for this administration. They have played the terrorism card to near perfection. Terrorism and fear of terrorism has helped this administration in so many ways besides keeping the populous fearful. Fear of terrorism has enabled the president to push and bully congress into limiting and at times eliminating individual freedoms, malfeasance and un-constitution acts.

Bush has unknowingly joined the terrorists in weakening America. He is doing what terrorist could not. He is successfully attacking and slowly dissolving the American democracy in the name of patriotism and self-defense.  The recent use of American patriotism to justify Bush’s ability to torture anyone anywhere in the world, at any time is just the latest travesty of our president.

Who would have thought at the end of World War II, that the same America that thousands of soldiers gave their lives for, would one day support imprisonment, torture and murder without proof, without, a trial, and without remorse.

There is little doubt that radical Islamists will want to keep their best recruiting tool in office.  Bush needs the terrorists to get re-elected just like terrorists need Bush and if Bush wins again, July 6th, may be celebrated by some terrorist groups of the future as the birthday of their inept benefactor.

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