Wednesday, September 12, 2007


A huge success

Mr. President,

How many more soldiers are going to die as you keep
kicking the can down the road onto the lap of the next

For soldiers serving in Iraq, your plan to drag the war
on, must give the phrase ‘dying to please’ a
whole new meaning.

Democrats have been severely chastised for not following
up on the American people’s wishes to bring this
horrendous war to an end.

Some Democrats believe that they need to do this slowly,
intelligently or risk a second republican era of deadly

Do they feel they need a well thought out, solid plan to
deal with the backlash the GOP will incite, before they
act aggressively towards withholding funds or are they
just chicken?

Now Patraeus; he's not chicken and he is a good Bush
soldier, just like Colin Powell . They were both
credible, which is why you use them.

The lions at the coliseum were prepared for the
cherry-picked information your General used to claim
progress. The GAO, UN, British and Iraqis themselves have
said the surge was a failure and the political solution
is as far off as it has ever been.

Patraeus is not playing to most of the American public.
Their hearts are already hardened against you and your
war. He knows his target audience is a small group of
evangelists in a desperate effort to persuade them to
continue their support for bushie-Republicans up for the
run of their lives in 08’.

In the mean time the Democrats questioning Patraeus had a
field day picking the general's comments apart. They have
to vent on someone. They are powerless to do much of
anything else unless they grow a spine and agree to stop
funding the madness.

But if they do unite and attract some republican support,
they risk the powerful wrath of the right-wing machine
which will deftly try to slice them to pieces. Democrats
will be called traitors, and cowards in the ‘face
of victory’.

The Democrats may feel they could ‘OWN’ the
war if they do not have a good strategy for countering
the powerful right-wing media machine.

If the Republicans are good at anything it is destroying
things and people.

Take Rummy for example he destroyed Iraq but yet he still
able to pick up where dead-eye-Dick Cheney’s
enthusiastic and rosy outlook had left off by pronouncing
Afghanistan a huge success.

In the interview, he just gave at his
ranch near Taos, N.M. he also claimed that his
Department of Defense is not responsible for any
failures in Iraq or in Afghanistan.’ That's a
funny thing to say after claiming his effort to be so

NEW YORK -- In an interview billed as his first
since leaving the top Pentagon post, Donald Rumsfeld
calls Afghanistan 'a big success,' but says U.S.
efforts in Iraq are hampered by the failure of Iraq's
government to establish a foundation for democracy.
The article went on to say
you don’t call him anymore and he does not miss
you. Rumsfeld said he couldn't recall the last time you
called him. He was also asked about you.

'Do you miss him?' 'Um, no,' Rumsfeld said.
has not allowed any grass grow under his feet, he is now
part of a think tank. How low was the bar
lowered for Rummy to get into that

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Former U.S. Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld has joined the Hoover
Institution at Stanford University as a visiting fellow
and will serve on a task force focused on issues
pertaining to ideology and terror, the California think
tank said on Friday.

What can I say about Rummy? You can take the man out of
the land of delusions, but you can’t take the
delusions out of the man.

I am sad to hear the bad news about the Japanese Prime
Minister. But since you have a well established
reputation for turning everything you touch into shit,
it is not surprising to hear that one more of your
loyal war-buddies had to resign because he supported

TOKYO: The U.S. ambassador to Japan urged the
government there Wednesday to extend its mission in
support of the U.S.-led military operation in Iraq
— a mission that has split Japanese public

The lap where the ex- Prime Minister Tony Blair sat, is
still warm and now you have to contend with
losing another
Bush-ass-kisser, Prime Minister Shinzo

TOKYO (Reuters) - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on
Wednesday he was resigning because there would be a
better chance of continuing Japan's support for U.S.
military operations in Afghanistan under a new
leader.'I determined today that I should resign,' Abe
told a news news conference at his official residence
in Tokyo. 'We should seek a continued mission to fight
terrorism under a new prime minister.'

At least those Prime Ministers had a choice to follow
your lead. The same can’t be said for those young
soldiers you keep ordering into Iraq’s shooting

September 12, 2007 3:59:42

On behalf of
President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.

We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your

Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White
House cannot respond to every message.

Thank you again for taking the time to write."

(Via .)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


When you squeeze too hard; the truth is bound to come out

Mr. President,

Your legendary grip on information has some inherent problems junior.

The tighter the grip, and the more outrageous your actions are, the more pressure some people feel to get important information out, hence, we get a ton of tell-all books and scores of unnamed sources are spurting out information all over the place.

Over the years, you have provided conspiracy theorists lots of tasty bits to munch on. One early theory was that the real reason you invaded Iraq was to secure their oil fields for your own purposes.

These conspiracy nuts are something else. But on the other hand if you leave a monkey alone with a word processor long enough, they will eventually type something that is true. And even a broken wind-up clock is correct twice a day, right?

I have a word processor so let me espouse my own theory here. Given todays news it seems more probable that Cheney’s secret energy policy set the framework for neo-conservatives’ plan for American imperialism. And that meant you had to invade Iraq to get access to their vast oil reserves.

Before the invasion you stirred up the fact that Saddam had sold oil under the table despite the embargo the UN had imposed on Iraq. Several people have been investigated from several countries including people from the United States.

From: Reuters news service.
“NEW YORK (Reuters) - Prosecutors promised on Monday to prove that Texas oilman Oscar Wyatt paid millions of dollars in kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's government, earning him a privileged position in Iraq."
"Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen Miller told jurors at opening arguments of Wyatt's trial that prosecutors would present photos, audio tapes, bank records, U.N. records, and Iraqi government records proving Wyatt paid kickbacks to win Iraqi oil contracts.”

This last Friday another oil man from Texas and a long time Bush supporter picked up where Wyatt left off.

“The Hunt Oil Company of Dallas has become the first international company to receive permission to drill for oil in the Kurdistan region of Northern Iraq since the local government issued an oil-and-gas law last month.”

In January 2006, Mr. Hunt was appointed by President George W. Bush to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in Washington, D.C."

Something fishy is going on here junior. I suppose you hope no one will notice the dispiriting coincidence that on the eve of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that one of your close Texas oil buddies has just secured the rights to drill for oil in Iraq.

All we had before this was very strong suspicions. The evidence such as this oil contract to Hunt is nailing that suspicion down.

Loyal Fox viewers won’t acknowledge any of this of course, because they love you no matter what you do to them.
Although your poor supporters are suffering the same lack of freedoms and disastrous economic policies like the rest of us, Fox bushies have the mindset of an abused spouse.

Abused spouses keep going back to their abusers regardless of the number of times they get beat up. So you always have that going for you.

The rest of us can see you for what you are and what you are really doing to our democracy and what you have done to Iraq.

Hiding behind General Patreus like hiding behind Colin Powell will not get you very far with the average American anymore. You have been caught lying to us too often and too many dots are popping up which ordinary people can now connect for themselves. The resulting picture is anything but flattering for your administration and your legacy.

Speaking about your administration, your original cabinet has been so decimated, that by the end of you term you may be able to have a going away party in a phone booth.

Is anyone keeping track of how many Republicans have left your administration through indictments, convictions, or are under investigation? The good bad and the ugly are leaving the U.S.S. Bush Shit.

Senator Hagel, John Warner and Wayne Allard have announced that they too, are retiring and will not seek re-election. These high-powered, well-respected Republican senators have suddenly decided to opt out of government service.

None of these senators had given anyone any prior inkling that they were leaving up until now.

Why now? We can only guess. Do they believe their party’s conservative ideals have been hijacked by the extreme right wing fanatics that you put in charge? Are they just sick of the combative politics you brought to Congress? Did they want to spend more time with their families? What ever it was it had to have been significant for people with such long service to our country to suddenly announce they are quitting.

Regardless of the reasons, their refusal to run again, adds to the GOP burden for this election cycle. This is just one more ominous note in the Republican party’s 2008 swan song.

Every week you have a new headache to deal with. It just sucks being you doesn't it?
Senator Craig said he had his fingers crossed when he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge after he was caught soliciting gay sex in Minneapolis, so it didn't count.

Your Texas oil buddy's deal for Iraq oil, all-but-confirms the fact who benefits from your war besides Halliburton; and it further adds to the suspicion that you are despicable enough to trade American and Iraqi blood for oil.

Today’s General Patraeus report is not going to fool many people, except the ones that want to be fooled. The pre-approved bush-message he espoused was a pretty transparent stop-gap measure; a life buoy to keep GOP congressmen up for re-election afloat and a horrendous reason to keep our soldiers in harms way. Nothing will get better until the Iraqi government coalesces into a unified body. And Iraq will not get that opportunity as long as we are used as a crutch.

Didn’t General Patraeus learn anything from Colin Powell’s now-infamous UN speech?

Date: September 11, 2007 12:16:19 AM CDT

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.

We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.

Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House cannot respond to every message.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


No End In Sight - The Huffington Post

No End In Sight - The Huffington Post: ""

(Via .)


Foreign policy game score is “British sanity” 2 “Bush madness” 1

Mr. President,

The British finally got even with you. After years of ignoring the British, they have finally settled the course of their military involvement in Iraq for themselves.

The new Prime Minister of England, Gordon Brown is making his own statement on your war. He doesn’t seem to be of the same pedigree as Tony Blair.

Although the new Prime Minister accepted your invitation to visit you at Camp David recently, Gordon Brown apparently didn’t walk away with any particular shine to your debacle in Iraq.

Blair didn’t lose his position because he wasn’t pretty, he lost it because he supported you blindly and received nothing for England in return.

So Brown has taken the British involvement in the Iraq war into his own hands. and the British are “beating feet out of town” as they leave Basra. They have turned over Barsa to the local militants.

It was tough for you to say anything in return but to make it appear as if it were part of your plan all along and say that you are considering the reduction of troops yourself.

Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket, “We are going to reduce the troops too.” “We planned for the British to leave … we actually told them they should leave.” “It was our idea!”

The British have also requested that you withdraw your troops from Helmand Province in Afghanistan because your apparent indiscriminate aerial bombing has killed scores of innocent men women and children thus undoing all the good will the British had accomplished in the area.

Where do the British get off like that?

Iraq is safe, Fox TV said so, and so have the Republican Congressmen; even the ones whose plane had to recently take evasive action to duck some missiles that were fired at them as they left the Baghdad airport.

So that begs the question, why did you sneak into Iraq again? If it is as secure as you say it is, why don’t you pre-announce your visits? I was also kind of disappointed that you didn’t parachute into Anbar’s Military Air Base.

Hasbro or Mattel could have sold us a lead-painted “Parachuting Bush” figurine to match the “Bush Fighter pilot.”

Hell; In 1992 your daddy went skydiving in Yuma Arizona and then again over College Station, Texas to celebrate his 80th birthday. If you really wanted to show the nation what a hero you are and show up your daddy at the same time, you could have sky dived into Anbar.

Well at least you didn’t have a “Mission Accomplished” banner this time.

At Basra there were no victory banners flying in the sky as British tanks covered the British retreat to the outskirts of the city.

Indeed, the insurgent Shia militia from the Mahdi Army took over the base shortly after the British forces formally handed control to Iraqi police.

There is no doubt you will be tempted to back fill Basra with more mercenaries; I mean contractors.

The military may be stretched to the limit, but the taxpayers can ante up for more high-priced contractors to take over the fighting at Basra should it flair up.

It is estimated that you have as many contractors performing military activities as we have military personnel in the country, so what is a few hundred more here and there to handle Basra too?

Back in April of this year Congress heard that 127,000 people are working in Iraq under Defense Department contracts.

Although you have been embarrassed into even discussing a cut back; it is nice to see the British finally speak up for themselves.

Stiff upper lip junior, it’s time to take it and go on to Australia where the Sydney population are just overjoyed that your visit has caused the city to be walled off and three of the busiest train stations and the busiest ferry terminal in Australia will all be closed during your stay.

Face it buddy, you are a leper, and your Australian brother-in-arms, John Howard will suffer in the polls for visiting his country. With friends like you who needs Al Queda.

The Australian election will be held on January 19, 2008.

As of August 1, according to the Angus Reid Global Monitor the Australian Labor Party (ALP) is leading at 54 per cent while Howard’s Liberal Party is at 46 per cent. Your visit to Australia will pretty much sink your buddy Howard, just as you will sink any Republican you buddy up with for the 2008 elections.

Midas, according to Greek mythology, was given a unique ability by Dionysus; the power to turn everything he touched into gold. Your career as President of the United States has been marked with so many serial failures of leadership and intellect that I would not be surprised if one day soon, the word “Bush,” will be synonymous as someone whose touch turns everything he touches into shit.

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