Monday, June 26, 2006


The best government money can buy.

The best government money can buy.: "Mr. President,
You could have blown be over with a feather, when General Casey announced sharp troop reductions beginning two months before the November elections. I am so surprised, oh my, no one could have seen this coming at all. The Republicans in office must be doing such a good job they should all be reelected.

The Iraqi army must be standing up so we are standing down. Hooray! We are winning the war!
This will teach those traitorous Democrats who wanted to 'cut and run.' True Americans 'cut and walk.'

A White House spokesman said in a statement: 'The president has clearly stated he will listen to the commanders on the ground. We are constantly evaluating our posture and the growing capability of the Iraqi security forces.'

Deciphering the Bush-language is becoming easier these days. In English it translates into: 'The President has always listened to his political advisors in the White House. They are constantly checking the bad news coming out of Iraq and the poll numbers as the mid term elections come up.'

We can expect more revelations of our successful campaign against terror as November draws near. The color codes and chatter options worked quite well for the previous congressional and presidential elections; there is no reason to change strategies now.

The seven wanna-be terrorists with no plan, no money, no explosives, no maps, and no idea how to blow up a building were just captured. Though the FBI knew about them for months, the timing of their existence was carefully handled to keep them in the headlines of White House megaphones for at least a week. Details surrounding the arrest and captured documents, taped meetings, discovered documents could extend the story another week after that.
What is next? These dumb shits actually acted on a thought to commit a crime. They deserve to be sent to jail for acting on the idea.
Let me ask you a hypothetical question. If you continue the principle, as you have been that if you have one percent chance of extending presidential power, you go for it; when does a 'thought crime' become a real crime?
If someone makes a negative comment about your presidency in a blog or on the phone and decides to buy a gun for what ever reason could they be arrested because they may me thinking of using it for an evil purpose?

If a Senator receives encouraging support to oppose one of your agenda items, would that citizen be placed on a watch list, because they may harbor some potential resentment of your administration?

Just how far down the slime barrel will you and your handlers go to keep yourselves in power?
Adherence to the constitution or American values of past presidents are obviously 'quaint' in Bush-world, so where do you draw the line? Is there a line at all?

There was no obvious line or limits for your flunkys like Safavian, Cheney, Rove, and many others in key departments.

David H. Safavian, your former chief of staff of General Services Administration and your-chief-procurement-officer-turned-lobbyist, had access to $300 billion in addition to $62 billion designated for Katrina relief. Safavian outsourced each request for government services to outside contractors. Most people would not be surprised that Haliburton's contracts rose 600 percent afterwards.
A federal jury recently found Safavian guilty of lying and obstructing justice, making him the highest-ranking government official to be convicted in the spreading scandal involving disgraced former lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

'Thanks to an investigation by The Times's Eric Lipton, we know that some two-thirds of the top department executives, including Tom Ridge and his principal deputies, have cashed in on their often brief service by becoming executives, consultants, or lobbyists for companies that have received billions of dollars in government contracts. Even John Ashcroft, the first former attorney general in American history known to immediately register as a lobbyist, is selling his Homeland Security connections to interested bidders,' according to a New York Times article by Frank Rich.
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The government has become a huge enterprise for established lobbyists like Abramoff, new lobbyists like Tom Ridge, Ex-Attorney General John Ashcroft, aspiring lobbyists like Safavian and two-thirds of the top department executives.

Contracts to rebuild Iraq, provide safer equipment for our soldiers and Katrina relief were all handled by greedy well-connected bastards who took their cut off the top and didn't even provide any accounting for how the money was being spent.

The get-rich schemes in the favor-driven world of Bush-World has bankrupted any morality you may claim. Katrina victims were robbed, our soldiers were denied life-saving equipment, and Iraqi's were denied reasons for hope and reasons to support American efforts for a democratic nation.

But, these grateful and rich recipients of government contractors will surely be there to help keep the tap open for future contacts and provide significant funding to all Republican congressmen running in November.

Date: June 25, 2006 9:02:30 PM CDT

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House is
unable to respond to every message, and therefore this response
is an autoreply.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

(Via My letters to Bush.)

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