Monday, June 26, 2006
Doesn't time fly by when all you get is bad news?
Doesn't time fly by when all you get is bad news?: "Mr. President,
There has been so much Bush/Iraq-related news since your heroic trip to Iraq's Green zone to talk to Malaki's mano-a-mano, it seems as though it happened a year ago.
Jurors find David Safavian your former chief of staff of the General Services Administration and top federal procurement officer, was found guilty on four of five felony charges in connection with the Abramoff corruption and influence-peddling scandal. Each of these Abramoff scandal convictions is a ready-made tv spot for Democrats this November to reinforce the 'Republican's Culture of Corruption.'
The army privates that had been abducted following an attack by Iraqi insurgents near Baghdad on Friday were found. Their bodies were so brutalized, their remains had to be sent back to the states to positively identify them. Did Alberto Gonzalez repeat his take on the Geneva Convention; 'no, torture allowed?' 'How quaint.'
Your brilliant five-year plan to constrain North Korea has a few kinks in it. Because of your ego and Cheney's neo-conservative nation building experiment in Iraq, you may get to test your ground based interceptor missiles.
Our ground-based interceptor missile systems in Alaska and California are on alert because North Korea continues to look as though they are ready to carry out a long-range missile test and have declared Tuesday it has a right to carry out long-range missile tests, despite international calls for the communist state to refrain from launching a rocket believed capable of reaching the United States.
Meanwhile three U.S. soldiers were charged with the premeditated murder of three Iraqi detainees as well as with threatening the life of a fellow soldier who they feared would challenge their accounts of the deaths, military officials said Monday.
Your last photo-op declaring victory didn't work out too well. It wasn't a carrier, but you should have put on some camos and a flack jacket none-the-less. Just before you went to Iraq, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki strongly condemned the Haditha murders last November by U.S. Marines. Maliki demanded the United States share files from the investigation of the Haditha killings, which he called a 'terrible crime.' Did you talk him out of his request for the investigation files when you finished looking into his soul?
Fortunately, you did go to the Green zone and came back to provide us with some comic relief.
If you hadn't snuck into Iraq, you wouldn't have held that upbeat press conference in the rose garden and make that smart-ass remark to a legally-blind- reporter for wearing his sunglasses.
The leaked memo from the U.S. Embassy gives an unflattering and unvarnished assessment of life in Baghdad. 'Terror and violence are part of everyday life, The U.S. troops have failed to get confidence of the people,' 'Even the militia harasses embassy employees.' 'It took one embassy employee 12 hours to get gas,' 'Embassy employees have to use code names because if they used their real names it would be a death sentence.'
For Americans who wonder what our government is doing about all this: your Republican-controlled congress is debating the merits of the war. One Republican congressman put their discussion in a nutshell. 'Are you with America or are you with Al Quida?' I enjoyed Jon Stewart's take on this. And I am paraphrasing, 'And next week they will argue if kittens are cute.'
Lots of chickens coming in I hope have enough places for them to all roost.
Date: June 21, 2006 1:45:39 AM CDT
On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House is
unable to respond to every message, and therefore this response
is an autoreply.
Thank you again for taking the time to write."
(Via My letters to Bush.)