Wednesday, June 28, 2006


What's a good word for a lying heartless stupid bastard?

What's a good word for a lying heartless stupid bastard?: "Mr. President,
I have looked for a word in my thesaurus to best describe the actions of your Congress and your Vice-president, but I can't.

I tried hubris, outrageous abuse, brass balls, cahones, hutzpa, guts, audacity, presumptuous, effrontery, chutzpah, arrogance but none of them seem to describe the extreme behavior presented by our government.

Take 'Mr locked and seriously loaded Cheney' for instance. News reporters have caught him lying repeatedly about what he did and didn't say about the war through the miracle of videotape. He doesn't even flinch when he lies.
This Monday speaking at the National Press Club he said, 'I don't think anybody anticipated the level of violence that we've encountered.' He added: 'We didn't anticipate . . . The devastation that 30 years of Saddam's rule had wrought, if you will, on the psychology of the Iraqi people,' said Mr. Loaded.

He couldn't help himself I guess and continued to defend his ridiculous statement of; 'The Iraq insurgency is in its 'last throes.'

The reality is that the Army War College in December 2002, warned you and Cheny three months before the U.S. invaded Iraq that, 'The possibility of the United States winning the war and losing the peace is real and serious.' Iraq had been strained by decades of misrule, wars and sanctions, they observed, noting that 'if the United States assumes control of Iraq, it will therefore assume control of a badly battered economy.' The writers of the Army report emphasized that Iraq was going to be tougher than the administration was acknowledging publicly. 'Successful occupation will not occur unless the special circumstances of this unusual country' are heeded, they warned.'
At around the same time 70 national security experts and Middle East scholars met at the National Defense University and then issued a report stating that occupying Iraq 'will be the most daunting and complex task the U.S. and the international community would have undertaken since the end of World War II.' One of the members of this group, Army Col. Paul Hughes, sent a copy of the conference report to the office of Douglas J. Feith, the undersecretary of defense for policy, but 'never heard back from him or anyone else' over there, he said.
Like I said at the beginning of this letter, what do you call Cheny, very forgetful or just an outrageous liar.

Let's call him what he is.

A bald face liar. Does he also believe as you obviously do that repeating a lie often enough will become true?

Whatever Mr. Loaded is smoking must have been shared with the Republicans in Congress. For example, today the Republican-controlled Senate refused to consider raising the minimum wage. And this is an election year!

This would have been the first increase in nearly a decade. And they shot it down during an election season!

Republicans said the minimum wage was a job killer? Outside the Washington beltway, in the real world, the present minimum wage is more aptly described as a slave wage.

The minimum wage has remained at $ 5.15 an hour since September, 1, 1997, but because of inflation over time, the purchasing power of someone who is getting the minimum wage today is equivalent to what people could buy in 1955.

Back in 1955 the non-supervisory minimum wage was $0.75 per hour. We have reduced the purchasing power of earners of minimum wage back 45 years in equivalent pay. And the corporations love it.

In 1955, one hour of work at the minimum wages (75 cents per hour) you could buy:
15 Hershey bars. (5 cents per bar) (1 oz. bars) for 15 oz of chocolate
2.58 gallons of gas (29 cents per gallon)

In 2006, one hour of work at the minmum wage (5.15 per hour) you can buy:
6.87 Hershey bars (75 cents per bar) (1.55 oz bars) for 10.65 oz of chocolate
1.76 gallons of gas ($3.00 /gallon)

may05 may01

may09 may02
Despite all the production efficiency made over the years in the manufacture in making gasoline and chocolate bars, folks at the bottom of the labor pool were still able to buy more for their time on the job 45 years ago than what they can buy today.

Is it any wonder the gap between the haves, and the have-nots have never been so large? Is it any wonder there are more millionaires and billionaires and a record number of poor people in the country?

Just today
The Washington Post had an article about how House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) made a $2 million profit last year on the sale of land 5 1/2 miles from a highway project that he helped to finance with targeted federal funds. And that is just today's news about how Congressmen use their positions to enrich their portfolios.

Chief executive officers in the United States have never been richer. They earned 262 times the pay of an average worker in 2005, the second-highest level in the 40 years for which there is data, a nonprofit think-tank said on Wednesday.

Another irony is that even the minimum wage so low, immigrants are still willing to accept the money, and the often-dangerous working conditions, as overzealous Republican vigilantes, and lawmakers throughout the country are punishing undocumented immigrants and the employers who hire them.

Get real junior, just how many Americans do you really believe are going to step down and work under the same conditions for today's minimum pay?

So what definition would apply for the Republicans in Congress who refused to raise the minimum wage, arrogance, or just heartless bastards?

Do you remember the uproar over the high price of gasoline? I thought you said we needed to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and we needed to have more efficient cars.

I don't hear much about it anymore, and neither has Congress because the tax credit of up to $3,150 credit, people received for buying Prius hybrids and Honda hybrids have run out. So anyone who buys a Prius hybrid and thinks they will receive a $3150 tax credit, should think again.

We don't need to provide incentives to reduce gas consumption.
In their vast wisdom Congress decided to
put a cap on the number of hybrids by manufacturers that are eligible to receive the full tax credit.
Only the first 60,000 hybrids per auto manufacturer can qualify for the full tax credit. Hybrids purchased after Oct 1, 2006 will only receive half the tax credit.

Japanese car manufacturers have already hit the 60,000 hybrid sales mark. American hybrids have a long way to go before they will hit it with inefficient hybrids like the Silverado which gets 16 miles per gallon.

What do call this Congressional stunt; hutzpa or overwhelming stupidity?

How much more abuse can you lay on the American people before they say '

Do you realize that in the retail business only a small fraction of Americans actually complains about bad customer service while the majority of people keep silent and just refuse to do business with the store?

That same principle holds true for all sorts of quality issues, like the quality of materials, and quality of relationships, and the quality of government.

You may not have been impressed by the thousands of people who actively protested your war, and our government policies but be assured you are only hearing from a small percentage of Americans that feel the same way.

Just how far do you think you can go before you hit the often-mentioned 'tipping point?' Are you betting people can be consistently being mistreated like some men abuse their women?

Just remember, some abused women just take it, some women run away, but some women get even.

Date: June 22, 2006 1:27:20 AM CDT

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House is
unable to respond to every message, and therefore this response
is an autoreply.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.


(Via My letters to Bush.)

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