Friday, August 22, 2008


Is the new Georgia Russian confrontation an election ploy?

Mr. President,
If I was a suspicious person with my own tin foil hat, I could pull together a pretty good scenario explaining America’s part in the Russian invasion of Georgia.

I thought about this as I pondered when another timely election-driven terror alert was coming out. I have been used to so many false alarms about increased “chatter” around every election that I don’t have to look at the calendar to figure out that it is that time in the congressional calendar to get themselves re-elected. I always look forward to Fox news special Armageddon-style computer generated graphic alerts.

As long as alarming news about a potential terrorist attack is present in the voters minds, it has to be good for at least five percentage points in favor of any Republicans running for office.

The mindset for war has changed very little over the years. Hitler’s number two man said it the best.

"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. 
That is understood.
But it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along to fight a war, ... Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. 

All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
-- Hermann Goering

Under your leadership the Republican Party has found multiple ways of stoking fear In the minds of many Americans.

Not only did color coded alerts drive sales of duct tape to help seal homes in case of a chemical attack, it also supported the sale of your war which sent Americans to kill and be killed in a far off desert.

Right after the attack on the twin towers you helped hype the fear of Muslims and all arabs in general. It was later expanded to include fear of illegal immigrants when fear of arabs began to wane.

The long string of cases involving deviant sexual behavior, corruption, and malfeasance involving Republicans has severely crippled the party of conscientious conservatism. Your personal inability to provide any leadership on the national and international stage didn't give Republicans much to brag about either, so fear was all you have had to run on.

Given this consistent message of fear before every election to the citizenry; is it possible that overusing the same fear mongering has forced you to try other means of evoking dread?

Did a Bush acolyte provide some back-channel assurances to Mikheil Saakashvili,

President of Georgia, that if they step up their plans to deal with separatists in South Ossatia, the United States would support them?

And why would you do that?

Maybe it is because you needed to create a situation where America is faced with a NEW evil … Russia. A nation with 10,000 to 15,000 REAL nuclear weapons.

Your decision to refrain from participating in an international treaty that would have banned weapons in space, about as bad as your decision to drink and snort coke all the way through college.

Georgia does not know you well enough to understand that you would only send humanitarian aid and never intended to provide any military support to deal with the new Russian threat.

It is not like you have an abundance of available ground forces to deal with a major world power like Russia.

The new cold war is perfect way to raise the fear level and give Mc Cain and other Republicans a bump in their ratings.

And all it cost was a few thousand Georgian and South Ossatian lives. After killing thousands upon thousands of Iraqis what's a few thousand more lives?

Is this outbreak between Russia and Georgia a planned sacrifice the world needed to make to keep Republicans in power?

Like I said earlier, If I wore a tin foil hat this might make a lot of sense to me.

Date: August 19, 2008 11:43:51 PM CDT
On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.

We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.

Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House cannot respond to every message.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Lame speech from a lame president

Mr. President,
Your lame State of the Union speech was a perfect match for your lame duck presidency, junior.

It was an anti-climatic strange hourlong rehash of recycled themes from your older speeches. And to make it even more bizarre, there is ample evidence that each so-called successful item you brought up has proven to be an outright failure.

Political analysts were amazed you would take such a lazy unthoughtful way to pull together your last SOTU speech.

Yes junior it was an embarrassing litany of oh so many failed initiatives

Anyone else would have been embarrassed to bring up so many failed initiatives, anyone else would have tried to bring hope to a nation, but we don't have just anyone as our president; we have you.

There was one good aspect to your speech. Bringing up so many of the failures which you enacted through innuendo, fear and outright falsehoods, it was actually cathartic to hear them all at once.

You took us down memory lane, and we reminisced about how many times you have politicized everything you have ever done.

I hope you didn't repeat the same old recycled material with hopes that you can get us to believe black is white, the surge is successful, and the economy is just fine. Because if you did failed.

The commentators were just giddy about how easy it was to judge just how forgettable a speech you had just given.

Anyone else who would have had exhibited that kind of bizarre behavior, would have been immediately medicated and shuttered into a quiet institution somewhere.

At least this State of the Union marks the last time we have to hear your deluded visions.

It was, however, an important milestone as the clock winds down to the end of the "dark times" in America.

Date: January 29, 2008 12:58:02 AM CST

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.

We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.

Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House cannot respond to every message.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Please please Turkey, don't invade Iraq to kill terrorists!

Mr. President,

I didn't just hear you beg Turkey not to attack the Kurdish rebels in Northern Iraq did I?
Did you beg, " Please please don't attack the Kurds!"

Karma is a bitch junior.

Where are all your friends now? As one country after another drops out of the Iraq occupation, your coalition of the willing has morphed into a coalition of mercenaries. It was the only way you could avoid a military draft.

Britain pulled out thousands of their soldiers and threatening to remove the rest next year.

A tumultuous political course of events in Japan has put their new Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda in an embarrassing position which hastened the removal of their naval support in Afghanistan.

India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh India is on the verge of giving in to his Parliament and negating all of the concessions you were willing to give away just to make them one of your best buds.

Russia's Pooty Poot Putin, your soul mate, is not exactly playing fair with the tremendous clout his massive energy wealth he has. He has used it to wield a powerful club at countries which you had covertly helped to undermine the Russian bear.

Putin has taken it a step further and claimed your missile defense system will not be allowed anywhere near his borders and sees your missile defense system as America once viewed the missile crisis in Cuba.

China has challenged your imperialistic plans for world domination by picking up billions of dollars of the debt you created and have used the money from all those Wal Mart lead-tainted toys to improve their military, enhance their ability to shoot down satellites, significantly increase their alliance with Iran, Venezuela, and participate with Russia in joint military exercises. I guess you shouldn't have made such a public show of giving the Dali Lama the Medal of Freedom. The next day China pulled out of planned international strategy session and summoned the U.S. ambassador to give him a good tongue lashing and not in a good way, over the incident.

Even the land that brought us freedom fries slapped your ex secretary of defense around when Rumsfield had to recently high-tail it out of France. He was in "Old Europe" to attend a meeting organized by the Foreign Policy magazine. When he heard he was to be charged for war crimes he had to quickly be taken to the American Embassy and out of the country.

Although you had France's new conservative Prime Minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, over for barbecue and he was recently received in Washington, he boasted that although he wants to be friendly and loves almost all things American, he stated that he would not be you lap dog. His constituents uniformly hate you junior. They will not allow him to get too friendly with the pariah of the western world.

And then there is Musharraf in Pakistan your supposedly BFF in the Mid East. He has claimed martial law, dissolved Pakistan's constitution, dissolved the court system, imprisoned his political opponents and shut down the country's news services. And yet your administration has not formally cut off the billions of dollars of American aid sent every year into his pocketbook.

I guess if imposing democracy at the end of a gun in Iraq doesn't work, supporting a dictatorship in Pakistan with tons of money to buy weapons to shoot at pro-democracy opponents in Pakistan does make sense?

And then there is Turkey.

Has Turkey also turned a deaf ear to you like Pakistan? Have your pleas to ask Turkey to resist attacking the Kurds in Iraq hit a stone wall? The people in Turkey are pissed and their legislature voted to allow Turkish troops to do whatever they have to do to stop the Kurdish faction hiding in Northern Iraq.

The best you may be able to negotiate is to ask them to limit their incursion in Iraq, target the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) insurgents and attack enemy compounds with their air force. All you can offer them is money, intelligence (for whatever that is worth) and to politic with France to get them into the EU.

Coincidentally, the terrain where the PKK hide out looks a lot like the rough mountainous areas where Osama is supposed to be.

Is any to this sinking in yet junior? Are you perhaps noticing a trend? Nahhh.

But I certainly see a pattern. It is either bombs, bullets or pay offs.

If you can't bomb or kill your way to get something you want, your only other negotiating technique seems to be to pay people off. You pay billions to Pakistan, pay Turkey to stay out of Iraq and you pay mercenaries in Iraq to shoot first and pay off the survivors later. P.S. They may want a raise now that the dollar has dropped to an all-time low.

By the way Cheney has really aged over the last seven years. He even looks worse than you do. He really looks like shit. It would be a real shame if he died on you, while he was in office. Isn't he getting the proper medical help at those undisclosed locations to keep him alive, at least until the end of your term?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


A huge success

Mr. President,

How many more soldiers are going to die as you keep
kicking the can down the road onto the lap of the next

For soldiers serving in Iraq, your plan to drag the war
on, must give the phrase ‘dying to please’ a
whole new meaning.

Democrats have been severely chastised for not following
up on the American people’s wishes to bring this
horrendous war to an end.

Some Democrats believe that they need to do this slowly,
intelligently or risk a second republican era of deadly

Do they feel they need a well thought out, solid plan to
deal with the backlash the GOP will incite, before they
act aggressively towards withholding funds or are they
just chicken?

Now Patraeus; he's not chicken and he is a good Bush
soldier, just like Colin Powell . They were both
credible, which is why you use them.

The lions at the coliseum were prepared for the
cherry-picked information your General used to claim
progress. The GAO, UN, British and Iraqis themselves have
said the surge was a failure and the political solution
is as far off as it has ever been.

Patraeus is not playing to most of the American public.
Their hearts are already hardened against you and your
war. He knows his target audience is a small group of
evangelists in a desperate effort to persuade them to
continue their support for bushie-Republicans up for the
run of their lives in 08’.

In the mean time the Democrats questioning Patraeus had a
field day picking the general's comments apart. They have
to vent on someone. They are powerless to do much of
anything else unless they grow a spine and agree to stop
funding the madness.

But if they do unite and attract some republican support,
they risk the powerful wrath of the right-wing machine
which will deftly try to slice them to pieces. Democrats
will be called traitors, and cowards in the ‘face
of victory’.

The Democrats may feel they could ‘OWN’ the
war if they do not have a good strategy for countering
the powerful right-wing media machine.

If the Republicans are good at anything it is destroying
things and people.

Take Rummy for example he destroyed Iraq but yet he still
able to pick up where dead-eye-Dick Cheney’s
enthusiastic and rosy outlook had left off by pronouncing
Afghanistan a huge success.

In the interview, he just gave at his
ranch near Taos, N.M. he also claimed that his
Department of Defense is not responsible for any
failures in Iraq or in Afghanistan.’ That's a
funny thing to say after claiming his effort to be so

NEW YORK -- In an interview billed as his first
since leaving the top Pentagon post, Donald Rumsfeld
calls Afghanistan 'a big success,' but says U.S.
efforts in Iraq are hampered by the failure of Iraq's
government to establish a foundation for democracy.
The article went on to say
you don’t call him anymore and he does not miss
you. Rumsfeld said he couldn't recall the last time you
called him. He was also asked about you.

'Do you miss him?' 'Um, no,' Rumsfeld said.
has not allowed any grass grow under his feet, he is now
part of a think tank. How low was the bar
lowered for Rummy to get into that

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Former U.S. Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld has joined the Hoover
Institution at Stanford University as a visiting fellow
and will serve on a task force focused on issues
pertaining to ideology and terror, the California think
tank said on Friday.

What can I say about Rummy? You can take the man out of
the land of delusions, but you can’t take the
delusions out of the man.

I am sad to hear the bad news about the Japanese Prime
Minister. But since you have a well established
reputation for turning everything you touch into shit,
it is not surprising to hear that one more of your
loyal war-buddies had to resign because he supported

TOKYO: The U.S. ambassador to Japan urged the
government there Wednesday to extend its mission in
support of the U.S.-led military operation in Iraq
— a mission that has split Japanese public

The lap where the ex- Prime Minister Tony Blair sat, is
still warm and now you have to contend with
losing another
Bush-ass-kisser, Prime Minister Shinzo

TOKYO (Reuters) - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on
Wednesday he was resigning because there would be a
better chance of continuing Japan's support for U.S.
military operations in Afghanistan under a new
leader.'I determined today that I should resign,' Abe
told a news news conference at his official residence
in Tokyo. 'We should seek a continued mission to fight
terrorism under a new prime minister.'

At least those Prime Ministers had a choice to follow
your lead. The same can’t be said for those young
soldiers you keep ordering into Iraq’s shooting

September 12, 2007 3:59:42

On behalf of
President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.

We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your

Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White
House cannot respond to every message.

Thank you again for taking the time to write."

(Via .)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


When you squeeze too hard; the truth is bound to come out

Mr. President,

Your legendary grip on information has some inherent problems junior.

The tighter the grip, and the more outrageous your actions are, the more pressure some people feel to get important information out, hence, we get a ton of tell-all books and scores of unnamed sources are spurting out information all over the place.

Over the years, you have provided conspiracy theorists lots of tasty bits to munch on. One early theory was that the real reason you invaded Iraq was to secure their oil fields for your own purposes.

These conspiracy nuts are something else. But on the other hand if you leave a monkey alone with a word processor long enough, they will eventually type something that is true. And even a broken wind-up clock is correct twice a day, right?

I have a word processor so let me espouse my own theory here. Given todays news it seems more probable that Cheney’s secret energy policy set the framework for neo-conservatives’ plan for American imperialism. And that meant you had to invade Iraq to get access to their vast oil reserves.

Before the invasion you stirred up the fact that Saddam had sold oil under the table despite the embargo the UN had imposed on Iraq. Several people have been investigated from several countries including people from the United States.

From: Reuters news service.
“NEW YORK (Reuters) - Prosecutors promised on Monday to prove that Texas oilman Oscar Wyatt paid millions of dollars in kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's government, earning him a privileged position in Iraq."
"Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen Miller told jurors at opening arguments of Wyatt's trial that prosecutors would present photos, audio tapes, bank records, U.N. records, and Iraqi government records proving Wyatt paid kickbacks to win Iraqi oil contracts.”

This last Friday another oil man from Texas and a long time Bush supporter picked up where Wyatt left off.

“The Hunt Oil Company of Dallas has become the first international company to receive permission to drill for oil in the Kurdistan region of Northern Iraq since the local government issued an oil-and-gas law last month.”

In January 2006, Mr. Hunt was appointed by President George W. Bush to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in Washington, D.C."

Something fishy is going on here junior. I suppose you hope no one will notice the dispiriting coincidence that on the eve of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that one of your close Texas oil buddies has just secured the rights to drill for oil in Iraq.

All we had before this was very strong suspicions. The evidence such as this oil contract to Hunt is nailing that suspicion down.

Loyal Fox viewers won’t acknowledge any of this of course, because they love you no matter what you do to them.
Although your poor supporters are suffering the same lack of freedoms and disastrous economic policies like the rest of us, Fox bushies have the mindset of an abused spouse.

Abused spouses keep going back to their abusers regardless of the number of times they get beat up. So you always have that going for you.

The rest of us can see you for what you are and what you are really doing to our democracy and what you have done to Iraq.

Hiding behind General Patreus like hiding behind Colin Powell will not get you very far with the average American anymore. You have been caught lying to us too often and too many dots are popping up which ordinary people can now connect for themselves. The resulting picture is anything but flattering for your administration and your legacy.

Speaking about your administration, your original cabinet has been so decimated, that by the end of you term you may be able to have a going away party in a phone booth.

Is anyone keeping track of how many Republicans have left your administration through indictments, convictions, or are under investigation? The good bad and the ugly are leaving the U.S.S. Bush Shit.

Senator Hagel, John Warner and Wayne Allard have announced that they too, are retiring and will not seek re-election. These high-powered, well-respected Republican senators have suddenly decided to opt out of government service.

None of these senators had given anyone any prior inkling that they were leaving up until now.

Why now? We can only guess. Do they believe their party’s conservative ideals have been hijacked by the extreme right wing fanatics that you put in charge? Are they just sick of the combative politics you brought to Congress? Did they want to spend more time with their families? What ever it was it had to have been significant for people with such long service to our country to suddenly announce they are quitting.

Regardless of the reasons, their refusal to run again, adds to the GOP burden for this election cycle. This is just one more ominous note in the Republican party’s 2008 swan song.

Every week you have a new headache to deal with. It just sucks being you doesn't it?
Senator Craig said he had his fingers crossed when he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge after he was caught soliciting gay sex in Minneapolis, so it didn't count.

Your Texas oil buddy's deal for Iraq oil, all-but-confirms the fact who benefits from your war besides Halliburton; and it further adds to the suspicion that you are despicable enough to trade American and Iraqi blood for oil.

Today’s General Patraeus report is not going to fool many people, except the ones that want to be fooled. The pre-approved bush-message he espoused was a pretty transparent stop-gap measure; a life buoy to keep GOP congressmen up for re-election afloat and a horrendous reason to keep our soldiers in harms way. Nothing will get better until the Iraqi government coalesces into a unified body. And Iraq will not get that opportunity as long as we are used as a crutch.

Didn’t General Patraeus learn anything from Colin Powell’s now-infamous UN speech?

Date: September 11, 2007 12:16:19 AM CDT

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.

We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.

Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House cannot respond to every message.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


No End In Sight - The Huffington Post

No End In Sight - The Huffington Post: ""

(Via .)


Foreign policy game score is “British sanity” 2 “Bush madness” 1

Mr. President,

The British finally got even with you. After years of ignoring the British, they have finally settled the course of their military involvement in Iraq for themselves.

The new Prime Minister of England, Gordon Brown is making his own statement on your war. He doesn’t seem to be of the same pedigree as Tony Blair.

Although the new Prime Minister accepted your invitation to visit you at Camp David recently, Gordon Brown apparently didn’t walk away with any particular shine to your debacle in Iraq.

Blair didn’t lose his position because he wasn’t pretty, he lost it because he supported you blindly and received nothing for England in return.

So Brown has taken the British involvement in the Iraq war into his own hands. and the British are “beating feet out of town” as they leave Basra. They have turned over Barsa to the local militants.

It was tough for you to say anything in return but to make it appear as if it were part of your plan all along and say that you are considering the reduction of troops yourself.

Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket, “We are going to reduce the troops too.” “We planned for the British to leave … we actually told them they should leave.” “It was our idea!”

The British have also requested that you withdraw your troops from Helmand Province in Afghanistan because your apparent indiscriminate aerial bombing has killed scores of innocent men women and children thus undoing all the good will the British had accomplished in the area.

Where do the British get off like that?

Iraq is safe, Fox TV said so, and so have the Republican Congressmen; even the ones whose plane had to recently take evasive action to duck some missiles that were fired at them as they left the Baghdad airport.

So that begs the question, why did you sneak into Iraq again? If it is as secure as you say it is, why don’t you pre-announce your visits? I was also kind of disappointed that you didn’t parachute into Anbar’s Military Air Base.

Hasbro or Mattel could have sold us a lead-painted “Parachuting Bush” figurine to match the “Bush Fighter pilot.”

Hell; In 1992 your daddy went skydiving in Yuma Arizona and then again over College Station, Texas to celebrate his 80th birthday. If you really wanted to show the nation what a hero you are and show up your daddy at the same time, you could have sky dived into Anbar.

Well at least you didn’t have a “Mission Accomplished” banner this time.

At Basra there were no victory banners flying in the sky as British tanks covered the British retreat to the outskirts of the city.

Indeed, the insurgent Shia militia from the Mahdi Army took over the base shortly after the British forces formally handed control to Iraqi police.

There is no doubt you will be tempted to back fill Basra with more mercenaries; I mean contractors.

The military may be stretched to the limit, but the taxpayers can ante up for more high-priced contractors to take over the fighting at Basra should it flair up.

It is estimated that you have as many contractors performing military activities as we have military personnel in the country, so what is a few hundred more here and there to handle Basra too?

Back in April of this year Congress heard that 127,000 people are working in Iraq under Defense Department contracts.

Although you have been embarrassed into even discussing a cut back; it is nice to see the British finally speak up for themselves.

Stiff upper lip junior, it’s time to take it and go on to Australia where the Sydney population are just overjoyed that your visit has caused the city to be walled off and three of the busiest train stations and the busiest ferry terminal in Australia will all be closed during your stay.

Face it buddy, you are a leper, and your Australian brother-in-arms, John Howard will suffer in the polls for visiting his country. With friends like you who needs Al Queda.

The Australian election will be held on January 19, 2008.

As of August 1, according to the Angus Reid Global Monitor the Australian Labor Party (ALP) is leading at 54 per cent while Howard’s Liberal Party is at 46 per cent. Your visit to Australia will pretty much sink your buddy Howard, just as you will sink any Republican you buddy up with for the 2008 elections.

Midas, according to Greek mythology, was given a unique ability by Dionysus; the power to turn everything he touched into gold. Your career as President of the United States has been marked with so many serial failures of leadership and intellect that I would not be surprised if one day soon, the word “Bush,” will be synonymous as someone whose touch turns everything he touches into shit.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Red Sweater Blog - Red Sweater Acquires MarsEdit

Red Sweater Blog - Red Sweater Acquires MarsEdit: "« Cocoa-Java Porting Step 2: Life Support
MarsEdit 1.1.3 »
Red Sweater Acquires MarsEdit
February 22nd, 2007
You read that right, no need to run for another cup of coffee. MarsEdit, the kick-ass, intuitive web-publishing powerhouse which I’ve been using to write entries here since I started blogging almost two years ago, is now part of the Red Sweater family of products. What an exciting day!

This is the first time I’ve clicked ‘Send to Weblog’ since the acquisition was completed. It was as easy as it ever was, but now I get to share in the pride of that ease. Man, that felt good.

Check out the press release, and be sure to send it along to your favorite news editor or blogger. I know I will! Also be sure to check out the nifty Q&A session Brent Simmons (original developer of MarsEdit) and I took part in, to help put the acquisition into perspective.

This is a classic ‘everybody wins’ situation. Users are going to see a lot more development activity, Brent and NewsGator are happy "

(Via .)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


We had secret Prisons, you don't say!

Bush admits the CIA runs secret prisons (AP)

President Bush acknowledges the crowd as he arrives to deliver a speech on terrorism  in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2006. Bush acknowledged the existence of previously secret CIA prisons around the world and said 14 high-value terrorism suspects, including the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, have been transferred from the system to Guantanamo Bay for trials. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)AP - President Bush on Wednesday acknowledged for the first time that the CIA runs secret prisons overseas and said tough interrogation forced terrorist leaders to reveal plots to attack the United States and its allies.

Who would have guessed it?

technorati tags:, ,

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


"Just like Mike" is so 80's, you want to be "Just like Hu" (Jintao)!

"Just like Mike" is so 80's, you want to be "Just like Hu" (Jintao)!: "
Mr. President,
The main stream medium is just pushing nationalistic pride so much today its ready to bust its buttons. Its just overflowing red white and blue everywhere today and its not even July.

Did Murdoch buy MSNBC? Today, their web site had several articles such as 'Being an American' 'Take a sample U.S. citizenship test' 'America tops patriotism poll.' If you couple these articles with the flag-burning bill before the Senate, it makes one wonder if wearing arm bands and brown shirts will be the in-thing this summer and autumn.

Meanwhile the Senate's timely proposal to make it unlawful to burn the flag and the unmerciful right-wingnut attacks on the New York Times for disclosing information most people already knew about, is indicative of the continuing assault on the Constitution.

If we pass this flag-burning bill we will join other bastions of democracies in the world such as Cuba, Saudi Arabia and China. None of the other western nations have laws which forbid flag-burning.
may07 may04 may09 may06
If you use these countries as models for our new government you should choose China, because they recently passed a law which also supports your view of the mass media and how to handle national alerts.

Just yesterday you reserected a dead program by the Partnership for Public Warning. They had disbanded in 2004 because of lack of funding until $25 million in funding suddenly showed up only 4 months 11 days away from the November elections.

Call me cynical, but the system you just proposed will replace the comical yet effective color terror alert system. It was comical because of its simplistic basis yet extremely effective at keeping Americans fearful, especially around election time.

new system is supposed to integrate many forms of communications such as: television, radio, PDA's, Blackberries, and cellphones. So in the near future I may have to pay to receive your bullshit on my cell phone?

What are you going to do, preceed each text terrorist alert message with MOTD TM. (Message Of The Day, Trust Me)?

Like I said earlier I think China is a good model for you. You like King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud's title and power but Saudi Arabia is not a large country. China is definitley the right size country you can relate to. Not only is China one of the few countries in the world to ban flag burning, they have censured the Internet and have a pretty good lid on their news medium. You want to be just like Chairman Hu Jintao. Taiwan-Strait-China12apr05
Yestreday they took it one step
further. They imposed some stiff fines on any news media that reports any natural disaster, oil spills, health crisis or social unrest, aka riots, without prior government approval.

Only pre-approved news about bad news stories can be communicated.

Talk about dying and going to heaven. How green are you with envy?

Jiao Guobiao, a former journalism professor at Beijing University who was barred from teaching last year after writing an essay criticizing China's censorship rules said, 'We have never had such a law before.'

The censors regularly alert senior editors which subjects are out of bounds and suggest which ones need to be handled with particular 'care.'

Under the new law it would be easy to cover up their past disasters like the SARS epidemic in 2003 that allowed the disease to spread. And, more recently, there would be no news about the disasterous chemical spill which contaminated river water which flowed toward the major city of Harbin. They can also black out the news about the numerous mining disasters.

If bird flu does break out in China someday, the government, not the news media, will decide when and what the world will hear.

Your constant criticism about the 'negative press' coverage from Iraq, Fox TV and drug-addict Limbaugh's assault on the imaginary liberal media makes a pretty strong statement about your hate for American media that dares to criticize your administration. And it show's your desire for China's prefered means of dealing with those pesky news reporters.

You were serious when you told Prime Minister Tony Blair you wanted to bomb the Aljazeera television network weren't you?
Is it just a coincidence that the three of the major powers in the world, the United States, China and Russia want to shut out all the light which may leak through the iron curtains you all built around yourselves. Reporters from all three countries have a lot in common these days.

We might as well get used to that mushroom-feeling as we sit in the dark under piles of government-approved manure; at least we are not in there alone, there are millions of Russians and Chinese there with the rest of us.

Date: June 27, 2006 10:48:59 PM CDT

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House is
unable to respond to every message, and therefore this response
is an autoreply.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.


(Via My letters to Bush.)


What's a good word for a lying heartless stupid bastard?

What's a good word for a lying heartless stupid bastard?: "Mr. President,
I have looked for a word in my thesaurus to best describe the actions of your Congress and your Vice-president, but I can't.

I tried hubris, outrageous abuse, brass balls, cahones, hutzpa, guts, audacity, presumptuous, effrontery, chutzpah, arrogance but none of them seem to describe the extreme behavior presented by our government.

Take 'Mr locked and seriously loaded Cheney' for instance. News reporters have caught him lying repeatedly about what he did and didn't say about the war through the miracle of videotape. He doesn't even flinch when he lies.
This Monday speaking at the National Press Club he said, 'I don't think anybody anticipated the level of violence that we've encountered.' He added: 'We didn't anticipate . . . The devastation that 30 years of Saddam's rule had wrought, if you will, on the psychology of the Iraqi people,' said Mr. Loaded.

He couldn't help himself I guess and continued to defend his ridiculous statement of; 'The Iraq insurgency is in its 'last throes.'

The reality is that the Army War College in December 2002, warned you and Cheny three months before the U.S. invaded Iraq that, 'The possibility of the United States winning the war and losing the peace is real and serious.' Iraq had been strained by decades of misrule, wars and sanctions, they observed, noting that 'if the United States assumes control of Iraq, it will therefore assume control of a badly battered economy.' The writers of the Army report emphasized that Iraq was going to be tougher than the administration was acknowledging publicly. 'Successful occupation will not occur unless the special circumstances of this unusual country' are heeded, they warned.'
At around the same time 70 national security experts and Middle East scholars met at the National Defense University and then issued a report stating that occupying Iraq 'will be the most daunting and complex task the U.S. and the international community would have undertaken since the end of World War II.' One of the members of this group, Army Col. Paul Hughes, sent a copy of the conference report to the office of Douglas J. Feith, the undersecretary of defense for policy, but 'never heard back from him or anyone else' over there, he said.
Like I said at the beginning of this letter, what do you call Cheny, very forgetful or just an outrageous liar.

Let's call him what he is.

A bald face liar. Does he also believe as you obviously do that repeating a lie often enough will become true?

Whatever Mr. Loaded is smoking must have been shared with the Republicans in Congress. For example, today the Republican-controlled Senate refused to consider raising the minimum wage. And this is an election year!

This would have been the first increase in nearly a decade. And they shot it down during an election season!

Republicans said the minimum wage was a job killer? Outside the Washington beltway, in the real world, the present minimum wage is more aptly described as a slave wage.

The minimum wage has remained at $ 5.15 an hour since September, 1, 1997, but because of inflation over time, the purchasing power of someone who is getting the minimum wage today is equivalent to what people could buy in 1955.

Back in 1955 the non-supervisory minimum wage was $0.75 per hour. We have reduced the purchasing power of earners of minimum wage back 45 years in equivalent pay. And the corporations love it.

In 1955, one hour of work at the minimum wages (75 cents per hour) you could buy:
15 Hershey bars. (5 cents per bar) (1 oz. bars) for 15 oz of chocolate
2.58 gallons of gas (29 cents per gallon)

In 2006, one hour of work at the minmum wage (5.15 per hour) you can buy:
6.87 Hershey bars (75 cents per bar) (1.55 oz bars) for 10.65 oz of chocolate
1.76 gallons of gas ($3.00 /gallon)

may05 may01

may09 may02
Despite all the production efficiency made over the years in the manufacture in making gasoline and chocolate bars, folks at the bottom of the labor pool were still able to buy more for their time on the job 45 years ago than what they can buy today.

Is it any wonder the gap between the haves, and the have-nots have never been so large? Is it any wonder there are more millionaires and billionaires and a record number of poor people in the country?

Just today
The Washington Post had an article about how House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) made a $2 million profit last year on the sale of land 5 1/2 miles from a highway project that he helped to finance with targeted federal funds. And that is just today's news about how Congressmen use their positions to enrich their portfolios.

Chief executive officers in the United States have never been richer. They earned 262 times the pay of an average worker in 2005, the second-highest level in the 40 years for which there is data, a nonprofit think-tank said on Wednesday.

Another irony is that even the minimum wage so low, immigrants are still willing to accept the money, and the often-dangerous working conditions, as overzealous Republican vigilantes, and lawmakers throughout the country are punishing undocumented immigrants and the employers who hire them.

Get real junior, just how many Americans do you really believe are going to step down and work under the same conditions for today's minimum pay?

So what definition would apply for the Republicans in Congress who refused to raise the minimum wage, arrogance, or just heartless bastards?

Do you remember the uproar over the high price of gasoline? I thought you said we needed to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and we needed to have more efficient cars.

I don't hear much about it anymore, and neither has Congress because the tax credit of up to $3,150 credit, people received for buying Prius hybrids and Honda hybrids have run out. So anyone who buys a Prius hybrid and thinks they will receive a $3150 tax credit, should think again.

We don't need to provide incentives to reduce gas consumption.
In their vast wisdom Congress decided to
put a cap on the number of hybrids by manufacturers that are eligible to receive the full tax credit.
Only the first 60,000 hybrids per auto manufacturer can qualify for the full tax credit. Hybrids purchased after Oct 1, 2006 will only receive half the tax credit.

Japanese car manufacturers have already hit the 60,000 hybrid sales mark. American hybrids have a long way to go before they will hit it with inefficient hybrids like the Silverado which gets 16 miles per gallon.

What do call this Congressional stunt; hutzpa or overwhelming stupidity?

How much more abuse can you lay on the American people before they say '

Do you realize that in the retail business only a small fraction of Americans actually complains about bad customer service while the majority of people keep silent and just refuse to do business with the store?

That same principle holds true for all sorts of quality issues, like the quality of materials, and quality of relationships, and the quality of government.

You may not have been impressed by the thousands of people who actively protested your war, and our government policies but be assured you are only hearing from a small percentage of Americans that feel the same way.

Just how far do you think you can go before you hit the often-mentioned 'tipping point?' Are you betting people can be consistently being mistreated like some men abuse their women?

Just remember, some abused women just take it, some women run away, but some women get even.

Date: June 22, 2006 1:27:20 AM CDT

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House is
unable to respond to every message, and therefore this response
is an autoreply.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.


(Via My letters to Bush.)

Monday, June 26, 2006


Happy President's Day Weekend junior

Happy President's Day Weekend junior: "Mr. President,
Are you having a party with cake? Will you have games like pin the tail on the Democrats, What's the matter can't you work within a budget? You know a billion here a billion can soon add up to serious money. The original estimate for the war was $50 to $60 billion and it is now up to $400 billion and that's not the end yet. You know if a man finds himself in a hole he should stop digging. That is unless you figger on someone else, in say three years, will have to take the responsibility to fill the hole.

Size matters right junior. Psychiatrists say that people who have to show off their big cars have 'severely shriveled' and inadequate opinions of themselves. Now that China is growing by leaps and bounds I guess it was time to show off your stuff. I can only imagine what psychiatrists are saying about your mental/physical state when you feel you have to show off your big shiny carriers? Haven't you ever heard that you shouldn't dig up more snakes than you can kill junior?

Congratulations on squashing the NSA warrant-less wiretap investigation. And getting Gonzalez to oversee the Amramoff investigation is as masterful and as his timely involvement of classifying Cheney's e-mails regarding Valerie Plame as top secret.

Isn't it lots of fun when you got the boys and the toys. Ain't nobody going to get anywhere when your man Gonzo is in the middle of it.

Isn't it ironic that Saddam Heussein warned the United States and Britain that he heard terrorists were planning to attack America in the 90's. He said it would NOT be by Iraq but religious extremists who were talking about it and thought the United States should know about it. That will show those Mid East countries to warn us.

Date: February 17, 2006 1:36:54 PM CST

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House is
unable to respond to every message, and therefore this response
is an autoreply.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

(Via Mr. President RSS Feed.)


Dick shooting his lawyer friend is tragic but so funny. Just wait.

Dick shooting his lawyer friend is tragic but so funny. Just wait.: "Mr. President,
This whole thing with Dick shooting his lawyer friend on the same day both Republicans and Democrats are asking for an investigation into his role in outing Valerie Plame is just too funny.
I will spare you the obvious puns like Dick not killing him because he prefers torture. I could go on and on but lets leave it to Letterman and Leno.

Junior, have you ever counted the number of times the headlines start with the words 'Bush defends'?
Here are just a few examples of Goggle 414,000 listings although many of them are repeats; here are many of the low lights.

Bush defends Medicare drug plan
Bush defends NSA wiretaps
Bush Defends Abramoff Photos
Bush Defends Iraq Policy
Bush defends goals to slash Mid East oil
Bush defends his goal of spreading Democracy
Bush defends ignoring protesters
Bush defends repeated tax cuts
Bush defends Patriot Act
Bush defends Environmental Policies
Bush defends Katrina Response
Bush defends mining records
Bush defends Guantanimo Prison
Bush defends Major spending cuts
Bush defends rejection of Kyoto Treaty
Bush defends Huge Iraq war cost
Bush defends new budget proposal
Bush defends Harriet Miers
Bush defends Iraq war hunt
Bush defends decision not to assist California with power outages
Bush defends flying away from New York after terrorist strikes

How many more arrows can you take junior before the ship sinks?

Hey nerds don't let the door hit you in the gluteus maxim-us!
I heard you are thinking about visiting The National Renewable Energy Laboratory later this month. Jeepers junior you may have to stuff the audience with sympathetic supporters with pocket protectors to sit at the desks of those 100 scientists from this division, you laid off late last year.
Does cutting $20 million and 35 percent of all the renewable energy programs ring a bell? It wouldn't hurt to ante up before you go to this photo op junior. Maybe you can hold up a battery for the cameras and smile.

It is 12:18 p.m. CST and I have not received the White House's automated response.

(Via Mr. President RSS Feed.)


Doesn't time fly by when all you get is bad news?

Doesn't time fly by when all you get is bad news?: "Mr. President,
There has been so much Bush/Iraq-related news since your heroic trip to Iraq's Green zone to talk to Malaki's mano-a-mano, it seems as though it happened a year ago.
Jurors find David Safavian your former chief of staff of the General Services Administration and top federal procurement officer, was found guilty on four of five felony charges in connection with the Abramoff corruption and influence-peddling scandal. Each of these Abramoff scandal convictions is a ready-made tv spot for Democrats this November to reinforce the 'Republican's Culture of Corruption.'
The army privates that had been abducted following an attack by Iraqi insurgents near Baghdad on Friday were found. Their bodies were so brutalized, their remains had to be sent back to the states to positively identify them. Did Alberto Gonzalez repeat his take on the Geneva Convention; 'no, torture allowed?' 'How quaint.'
Your brilliant five-year plan to constrain North Korea has a few kinks in it. Because of your ego and Cheney's neo-conservative nation building experiment in Iraq, you may get to test your ground based interceptor missiles.
Our ground-based interceptor missile systems in Alaska and California are on alert because North Korea continues to look as though they are ready to carry out a long-range missile test and have declared Tuesday it has a right to carry out long-range missile tests, despite international calls for the communist state to refrain from launching a rocket believed capable of reaching the United States.

Meanwhile three U.S. soldiers were charged with the premeditated murder of three Iraqi detainees as well as with threatening the life of a fellow soldier who they feared would challenge their accounts of the deaths, military officials said Monday.

Your last photo-op declaring victory didn't work out too well. It wasn't a carrier, but you should have put on some camos and a flack jacket none-the-less. Just before you went to Iraq, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki strongly condemned the Haditha murders last November by U.S. Marines. Maliki demanded the United States share files from the investigation of the Haditha killings, which he called a 'terrible crime.' Did you talk him out of his request for the investigation files when you finished looking into his soul?
Fortunately, you did go to the Green zone and came back to provide us with some comic relief.
If you hadn't snuck into Iraq, you wouldn't have held that upbeat press conference in the rose garden and make that smart-ass remark to a legally-blind- reporter for wearing his sunglasses.

The leaked memo from the U.S. Embassy gives an unflattering and unvarnished assessment of life in Baghdad. 'Terror and violence are part of everyday life, The U.S. troops have failed to get confidence of the people,' 'Even the militia harasses embassy employees.' 'It took one embassy employee 12 hours to get gas,' 'Embassy employees have to use code names because if they used their real names it would be a death sentence.'
For Americans who wonder what our government is doing about all this: your Republican-controlled congress is debating the merits of the war. One Republican congressman put their discussion in a nutshell. 'Are you with America or are you with Al Quida?' I enjoyed Jon Stewart's take on this. And I am paraphrasing, 'And next week they will argue if kittens are cute.'

Lots of chickens coming in I hope have enough places for them to all roost.

Date: June 21, 2006 1:45:39 AM CDT

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House is
unable to respond to every message, and therefore this response
is an autoreply.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

(Via My letters to Bush.)


The best government money can buy.

The best government money can buy.: "Mr. President,
You could have blown be over with a feather, when General Casey announced sharp troop reductions beginning two months before the November elections. I am so surprised, oh my, no one could have seen this coming at all. The Republicans in office must be doing such a good job they should all be reelected.

The Iraqi army must be standing up so we are standing down. Hooray! We are winning the war!
This will teach those traitorous Democrats who wanted to 'cut and run.' True Americans 'cut and walk.'

A White House spokesman said in a statement: 'The president has clearly stated he will listen to the commanders on the ground. We are constantly evaluating our posture and the growing capability of the Iraqi security forces.'

Deciphering the Bush-language is becoming easier these days. In English it translates into: 'The President has always listened to his political advisors in the White House. They are constantly checking the bad news coming out of Iraq and the poll numbers as the mid term elections come up.'

We can expect more revelations of our successful campaign against terror as November draws near. The color codes and chatter options worked quite well for the previous congressional and presidential elections; there is no reason to change strategies now.

The seven wanna-be terrorists with no plan, no money, no explosives, no maps, and no idea how to blow up a building were just captured. Though the FBI knew about them for months, the timing of their existence was carefully handled to keep them in the headlines of White House megaphones for at least a week. Details surrounding the arrest and captured documents, taped meetings, discovered documents could extend the story another week after that.
What is next? These dumb shits actually acted on a thought to commit a crime. They deserve to be sent to jail for acting on the idea.
Let me ask you a hypothetical question. If you continue the principle, as you have been that if you have one percent chance of extending presidential power, you go for it; when does a 'thought crime' become a real crime?
If someone makes a negative comment about your presidency in a blog or on the phone and decides to buy a gun for what ever reason could they be arrested because they may me thinking of using it for an evil purpose?

If a Senator receives encouraging support to oppose one of your agenda items, would that citizen be placed on a watch list, because they may harbor some potential resentment of your administration?

Just how far down the slime barrel will you and your handlers go to keep yourselves in power?
Adherence to the constitution or American values of past presidents are obviously 'quaint' in Bush-world, so where do you draw the line? Is there a line at all?

There was no obvious line or limits for your flunkys like Safavian, Cheney, Rove, and many others in key departments.

David H. Safavian, your former chief of staff of General Services Administration and your-chief-procurement-officer-turned-lobbyist, had access to $300 billion in addition to $62 billion designated for Katrina relief. Safavian outsourced each request for government services to outside contractors. Most people would not be surprised that Haliburton's contracts rose 600 percent afterwards.
A federal jury recently found Safavian guilty of lying and obstructing justice, making him the highest-ranking government official to be convicted in the spreading scandal involving disgraced former lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

'Thanks to an investigation by The Times's Eric Lipton, we know that some two-thirds of the top department executives, including Tom Ridge and his principal deputies, have cashed in on their often brief service by becoming executives, consultants, or lobbyists for companies that have received billions of dollars in government contracts. Even John Ashcroft, the first former attorney general in American history known to immediately register as a lobbyist, is selling his Homeland Security connections to interested bidders,' according to a New York Times article by Frank Rich.
may02 may05

The government has become a huge enterprise for established lobbyists like Abramoff, new lobbyists like Tom Ridge, Ex-Attorney General John Ashcroft, aspiring lobbyists like Safavian and two-thirds of the top department executives.

Contracts to rebuild Iraq, provide safer equipment for our soldiers and Katrina relief were all handled by greedy well-connected bastards who took their cut off the top and didn't even provide any accounting for how the money was being spent.

The get-rich schemes in the favor-driven world of Bush-World has bankrupted any morality you may claim. Katrina victims were robbed, our soldiers were denied life-saving equipment, and Iraqi's were denied reasons for hope and reasons to support American efforts for a democratic nation.

But, these grateful and rich recipients of government contractors will surely be there to help keep the tap open for future contacts and provide significant funding to all Republican congressmen running in November.

Date: June 25, 2006 9:02:30 PM CDT

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House is
unable to respond to every message, and therefore this response
is an autoreply.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

(Via My letters to Bush.)


You're big GOP donators from the Pharmaceutical industry are such a tease.

You're big GOP donators from the Pharmaceutical industry are such a tease.: "Mr. President,
I am getting buried in drug commercials on TV. I desperately need TIVO.

If I can believe what I am told, I can have four-hour erections, avoid peeing ten times a day, eliminate allergies, and get a delightful night's sleep if I take the drugs they advertise.

I might get the same results, if I were with my hot girlfriend who enjoys watching good porn, quit drinking two six packs per day, stayed inside during hay fever season and did an honest day's work occasionally, but what's the fun in that; where would the drug companies make their money?

I am sure many sick people pay a lot of attention to TV drug ads and to all the latest medical breakthroughs. The shame of it is; millions of Americans don't have insurance to pay for them.

There is always Canada and Mexico's popular drug-runs for cash-strapped Americans in desperate need I guess.

Many of the best drugs, seem to be for well-to-do Americans. More people could afford many of these miraculous drugs if generic equivalents were available except the original patent holders of the drugs and their manufacturing process, really don't want to see that happen.

Powerful drug companies are doing everything to discourage the production of generic equivalents of their drugs.

They pay other drug companies millions of dollars to abstain from making generic drugs, they lobby Congress and influence trade agreements to discourage other countries from making their own generic equivalents as well. And you did your part when you cut the FDA's office of generic drug research.

I hear how much our drug companies say they have to spend to get a new drug out, but they fail to explain how much they spend on advertising and marketing compared to the money they spend on actual research. According to University of Rochester Medical Center the 'Direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising is a $3.2 billion industry in the United States' in 2005. The amount of money spent on research pales in comparison with the billions of dollars spent on promoting existing drugs on TV.

The Truth About the Drug Companies, Random House, 2004, written by Marcia Angell, a professor in the Harvard Medical School Department of Social Medicine and former editor in chief of The New England Journal of Medicine explains, 'Most of the research is done by the National Institutes of Health and by large universities, along with small biotech companies.' In other words, most drug research is done by tax-supported agencies. The drug companies charge high prices to the public, reaping huge financial benefits from research paid for by that public.'

The U.S. pharmaceutical industry also fails to mention that they spend an estimated $14.5 billion annually on outsourcing the manufacturing, formulation, and packaging of drugs, according to Desmond Mascarenhas, Chief Executive of consultant Bioexpertise.

Drug commercials remind me just what big hypocrites the pharmaceutical companies really are. News about medical drug break thorough are cruel and give false hope to the sick and elderly because unless they have the money.

What is the aim of those TV ads anyway? Do they want us to demand the medication from our doctors? If we do that, it kind of defeats all the time they spent in medical school, their internship, and medical experience. If our doctor prescribes the advertised medicine to us at our request, it just makes them our drug dealer.
Don't get me wrong I'm not anti-research; from it. There have been some miraculous discoveries about gene therapy, surgical instruments, techniques, arterial shunts, diagnostic machines, bone replacement materials, anti-rejection medications, more efficient, reliable pacemakers are just a few of the wonderful advancements made in the last decade. The war in Iraq has led to life-saving surgical techniques caused by IED explosions. New artificial limbs have improved the lives of thousands of severely wounded soldiers.

And yet to the average American, announcements of new research and medication are all a morbid tease.

The average American won't directly benefit from many of medical science breakthroughs. ... they are prohibitively expensive and the drug companies like it that way.

Yesterday, the
Guardian Unlimited uncovered a plan by a major drug company to block access to a medicine that is effectively and cheaply saving thousands of people from going blind. The company wants to launch the same product in smaller dosage and charge an outrageous amount of money.

For example, Ophthalmologists from around the world, learned that by injecting tiny quantities of a colon cancer drug called Avastin into the eyes of patients with 'wet macular degeneration.' 'The Ophthalmologists reported remarkable success at a very low cost because one vial can be split up and used to treat dozens of patients.'
Genentech, the company that invented Avastin, learned what the Ophthalmologists had done and applied for a licensing a fragment of Avastin called Lucentis which will be packaged in tiny quantities similar to the quantities used by the Ophthalmologists and plan to charge 100 times the cost per dose.

In high school, there were a few girls who liked flirted with the boys only to have their hormones dashed after they get the girl in a car's backseat and found out she wouldn't let him make it to second or third base much less hit a home run. They called those girls 'prick teasers.'

I think millions of average and poor Americans would agree the drug companies act just like those girls; they surely fit the 'prick' part of that definition and you helped.

Date: June 18, 2006 3:35:14 AM CDT

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House is
unable to respond to every message, and therefore this response
is an autoreply.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

(Via My letters to Bush.)

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